Course curriculum

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    • Skills Survey

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    Introduction on Embedded Systems and Tinkercad


    • What is Embedded Systems (Concepts)

    • Embedded Systems definition with examples _ Embedded Systems classification

    • Importance and applications of Embedded Systems in daily life

    • Introduction to Tinkercad (Creating an account, navigating the workspace, and understanding)

    • Assignment: Account Creation on TinkerCAD

    • Quiz: About Introduction to Embedded Sytems and TinkerCAD

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    Basic Electronics in Tinkercad

    • Understand Concepts of voltage, current, and resistance.

    • Introduction to Ohm's Law

    • Building a simple circuit with a battery, resistor, and LED in Tinkercad

    • Assignment: Build Simple circuit on TinkerCad(Read content for )

    • Quiz: Basic Electronics in Tinkercad

    • Understanding Capacitors

    • Understand Inductors

    • Understanding Resistors

    • Assignment: Series and Parallel circuits in Tinkercad

    • Quiz: Assignment: Capacitors, Inductors and Resistors

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    Breadboarding and Circuit Assembly in Tinkercad

    • Functions and layout of a breadboard.

    • Transferring a Schematic diagram to a breadboard layout

    • Building a functioning circuit on a virtual breadboard in Tinkercad.

    • Assignment: Building a simple circuit on a virtual breadboard in Tinkercad

    • Quiz: Breadboarding and circuit assembly in Tinkercad

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    Measurement Tools in Tinkercad

    • Introduction to measurement tools and their functions.

    • Using a multimeter to measure current, in Tinkercad.

    • Using a multimeter to measure resistance in Tinkercad.

    • Using a multimeter to measure voltage in Tinkercad.

    • Basics of using an oscilloscope in Tinkercad.

    • Assignment: Measure voltage and current in different parts of a circuit using Tinkercad’s multimeter.

    • Quiz: Measurement Tools in Tinkercad

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    Understanding Power Sources in Tinkercad

    • Types of batteries and power supplies.

    • What to consider when selecting a power supply

    • Finding the Right Battery for Your Electronics Projects

    • Electrical Safety part 1

    • Electrical Safety part 2

    • Assignment: Power sources

    • Quiz: Power sources

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    Review and Project

    • Reviewing the concepts and apply them in a comprehensive project.

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    Digital Electronics and Microcontrollers in Tinkercad

    • Introduction to digital vs. analog signals.

    • Understanding binary numbers and how digital signals represent information.

    • Exploring basic digital components in Tinkercad: switches, LEDs, and binary displays.

    • Assignment: Creating simple digital circuit in Tinkercad that uses switches to control LEDs

    • Quiz: Digital electronics

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    Building Digital Circuits in Tinkercad

    • Introduction to logic gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR.

    • Understanding truth tables and how they apply to logic gates.

    • Assignment: Digital circuits

    • Quiz: Digital circuits

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    Introduction to Microcontrollers in Tinkercad

    • Overview of microcontrollers, focusing on the Arduino platform in Tinkercad.

    • Understanding the Arduino IDE and its components

    • Assignment: Blinking LED in Tinkercad

    • Quiz: Microcontrollers in Tinkercad

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    Programming Basics in Tinkercad

    • Introduction to C/C++ programming concepts: variables, data types, and control structures (if statements, loops).

    • Assignment: Programming basics

    • Quiz: Programming basics in Tinkercad

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    Sensors and Actuators in Tinkercad

    • Introduction to sensors (e.g., temperature, light) and actuators (e.g., motors, buzzers).

    • Reading sensor data and controlling actuators using Arduino.

    • Assignment: Control and actuator with a sensor

    • Quiz: Sensors and actuators in Tinkercad

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    Advanced Input and Output in Tinkercad

    • Exploring more advanced I/O features: analog inputs, PWM outputs.

    • Understanding how to use analogRead() and analogWrite() in Arduino.

    • Assignment: Advanced Input and Output in Tinkercad

    • Quiz: Advanced Input and Output

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    Review and Project

    • Assignment for Progress assessment

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    Advanced Programming and Simulation in Tinkercad

    • Important Note

    • Research on Integrating Multiple Sensors

    • Research on Data Logging and Analysis

    • Research on Communication Protocols

    • Arduino communication protocols

    • Research on Advanced Input Methods

    • Understanding Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

    • Assignment on Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

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    IoT Basics and Connectivity

    • Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) and how it works.

    • Assignment: Simulate an IoT device that sends temperature data to a virtual cloud service.

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    Review and Project

    • Review and Project

    • Quiz: Test your acquired knowledge on previous chapters

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    Final Projects and Presentations

    • Objectives of this chapter

    • Assignment: Project Proposal and Planning

    • Assignment: Project Implementation

    • Assignment: Finalizing and Testing the Project

    • Assignment: Prepare Final Presentation

    • Project Presentations

    • Course Wrap-Up and Next Steps

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